Make A Difference Today!

Help us reach our goal of $25,000 for this year’s VIRTUAL Walk for Life Fundraiser. We have two important projects we are targeting funds from this year’s walk towards: the replacement of the double deck on the back of our Carlisle home and dedicated counseling time for our moms and children with Sherry Fiscella and Bright Light Counseling. Both projects are essential, and we have already committed to do them.

The deck, which is 27 years old, rotting and falling apart, will be replaced this spring. A group from Soteria Church have volunteered to do all of the labor, so we are only paying for materials, which is approximately $13,000.

Providing counseling for our residents has been an ongoing need for Ruth Harbor. Unfortunately, mental health professionals in Central Iowa are typically scheduling 6-8 weeks out for the first appointment. As part of Ruth Harbor 2.0, we have committed to provide three hours a week with Sherry Fiscella. We are already seeing fruit from this partnership. Our commitment in 2024 is $1,000 a month ($12,000).

Consider helping us fund these two projects through our Virtual Walk for Life. Any funds that come in beyond the $25,000 goal will be used to provide additional counseling (the need is great.)


Introducing Ruth Harbor 2.0